Oct. 28-Nov. 1


Find the hidden Candy Corn on this page. Once you find it, email me, letting me know the exact place where you found it. Then you have to come show me at the beginning of class the next day where it's at on this page. First five emails I get that correctly show me the location on this page in class when a prize.

You can check out the entire years lesson plans HERE that include daily activities, assessments, notes, & daily homework. I try my best to stick with this plan in the link above but things could change. The agenda on the board with the IC and ELO in the classroom overrules the Lesson Plan page.

HERE are your weekly homework assignments.

Find the correct tab and your 3 digit code and see if you are missing any work because you either didn’t have it in class for some reason or were absent. Either way I need those assignments turned in or they will remain zero’s. If you are ever out sick remember for every day you are out you get one day to make it up when you return.

Click HERE to Access Skyward to see updated Term Grades. The grading period ends December 20th. At the end of the term I will be dropping your lowest grade in the Daily Work/Quiz category.

Compacted Mathematics is a comprehensive two-year intermediate school program. As an advanced math program, students are expected to maintain at least a B average and demonstrate a higher-level of success on STAAR. Compacted Math students take the 7th Grade Math STAAR in 6th Grade.

D105 Runners and Walkers November 28th  5K

Run with the Turkeys Trot 5K

Friday, November 8th Movies

Space Jam (1996) - 88 min

20 Spots Still Available

Wild Yellowstone (2021) - 95 min

24 Spots Still Available

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Ways to Build on Previous Skills Taught

Ways to Improve In-Class Performance

What to Do at Home